The Skipper and crew of a vessel are collectively responsible for workplace safety, but ultimate responsibility rests with the Owner of the vessel. Safety legislation generally requires the employer (Owner) to take all practicable / reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of worker sand others while at work.
The Skipper is responsible under law to manage the safety of the vessel and crew at all times. Again, on the vessel, the Skipper is required to take all practicable /reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of workers and others while at work.
Safety Officer
Responsibility to carry out certain aspects of this task can be designated to the Safety Officer(or another “responsible person”).
This SafetyOfficer should be appointed (in writing) to take responsibility for the implementation of the Vessel SafetyProgram. There also needs to be a clearly defined reporting structure in place. A clear organisational chart should show the lines of responsibility and reporting structure for safety onboard.
Supervisors & Crew
It is the crew members actively involved in the day-to-day business of the vessel however, that play the most important role in ensuring that accidents are prevented. Supervisors are responsible for seeing that proper safety standards are met, for ensuring that the equipment is used safely and correctly, and for ensuring that the work is carried out safely in the workplace.
Each crew member is responsible for using the safety equipment provided and for performing his/her work in a manner that ensures his/her own safety and that of colleagues. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is to be used as required – it may not always prevent accidents, but it usually reduces their seriousness whenever they occur.